Mr Ben Rackley – Headteacher
I am excited about starting at Wreake Valley Academy and working with Bradgate Sixth Form and Bradgate Inclusion Centre from late August. Like your child, Wreake has huge potential and an exciting future ahead. I promise that I am going to work hard to make the next seven years of Wreake the most inspiring, engaging and positive years of your child’s life. It is this potential that attracted me to Wreake Valley Academy. Throughout my career I have committed myself to the school and community I serve. I believe it is vitally important to lead with clarity of vision for the whole school community. Everybody who is involved in the school from parents, to learning support assistants, administrators and teachers, have a key role to play in the success of your child within the academy; not one person’s role is insignificant and all can have an impact. In a school, we are fortunate to be a part of building a community with ethics and values to prepare our young people for their next stage of life. As Headteacher at Wreake Valley Academy, I will be setting the bar high for all students and therefore staff and myself.
The position at Wreake Valley appealed to me as I believe there is an opportunity to have a signficant impact on the outcomes of the students. I have read through the most recent Ofsted, explored the data from the DfE and talked to members of the community about Wreake Valley. I am aware that this cannot give me a whole and comprehensive view of the academy however, I can see that there are many positives on which to build, as well as opportunites to make significant steps forward.
I am excited about the future and what it could look like.
I am excited about the future and the possibilities it holds.
I am excited about the future that the staff at Wreake Valley Academy, Bradgate Sixth Form and Bradgate Inclusion Centre are building together.
I am excited about the future that together with you, your child will have.
I cannot wait to get started….