Secondary School places will be confirmed on 1st March – any queries should be directed to Rachael Boyall on 0116 264 1080.
Arrangements for admissions and for handling expressions of preference by parents are made by Leicestershire Education Authority on behalf of the School.
In addition to the above policies please see Appendix 1 which details our Feeder Schools Appendix 1 Admissions Policy Feeder Schools
and Wreake Valley Academy Catchment Map
For information on how to apply for a school place go to the Leicestershire County Council Admissions Page, you can also find information here about the School’s Admission Code and Fair Access protocol.
Admissions to Bradgate Sixth Form
Students wishing to apply to Bradgate Sixth Form should contact: Katie Johnson, Head of Bradgate Sixth Form Sixth Form email for details on how to apply.
Mid-Term (in-year) Applications
Bradgate Education Partnership schools participate in full with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated policy, which can be found here:
To discuss a visit to our school please contact the school office, or to discuss the application process please contact the Local Authority on 0116 3056684.
School Admission Appeals
Bradgate Education Partnership schools use Leicestershire County Council’s appeals service to conduct their appeals. The council’s procedure and timetable for appeals can be found here: