Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11
At Key Stage 4, all students study English (Language and Literature, 2 GCSEs), Mathematics, Combined Science (2 GCSEs unless a student opts for Triple Science), Personal Development and Citizenship (non examination) and Core PE (non examination).
In addition, Students choose 4 GCSE or equivalent qualifications to study. They can choose from the following:
- Art
- Business
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- Drama
- English Language
- English Literature
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- French
- Geography
- Health & Social Care
- History
- Media
- Music
- Sociology
- Triple Science
- Physical Education
These are open choices and students are strongly encouraged and supported to choose subjects that they believe they will most enjoy, that they have experienced the most success in at Key Stage 3, and that they feel will lead them to the career and Post-16 ideas that they might have already.
All Key Stage 4 classes are taught by a subject specialist and the subject leader has designed a comprehensive Key stage 4 curriculum that builds on the Key Stage 3 curriculum and fully prepares them for GCSE/BTEC and to be ready to study it Post-16 if they wish. The learning journey continues from Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4 and allows students to see their progression through the Key stage.
Like Key stage 3, in Key Stage 4, we also have attitude to learning descriptors, which identify what a student is like as a learner. It is imperative that students develop and build on positive learning habits from Key stage 3 so they are able to learn well in school and work independently.
For all subjects at Key stage 4, you can see the learning journey and detail about the curriculum content for each year. The e-mail address of the Subject Lead can be found in each subject area so please contact them if you would like further information about their curriculum, or guidance about how you can support your child.