Fine Art

Why study this course?

If you are creative, enjoy drawing and making things – working with a variety of materials, then a GCSE in this subject is for you! GCSE Art and Design: Fine Art gives students opportunities to work in a variety of ways before specialising in an area of their choice. Students work in a creative, exciting way to produce work that they can be proud of. 

‘It’s a chance to be creative and individual – you can produce work that you are interested in. The work can really mean something to you – it can be personal’. Lewis, Year 11 student  

‘It’s fun and creative and you can use your imagination. You also get to get messy!!!’ Jenny, Year 10 student. 

What will I learn?

In Year 10, you will experience a wide range of workshops including drawing, painting, ceramics, print, mixed media and sculpture. Later on in the course you will choose the specialist area that you wish to continue working in, or you may decide to work across specialisms. 

You will be given opportunities to produce innovative, exciting and creative work based on themes such as My Surroundings, Close Up, Natural Forms and Still Life   

How will I be assessed?

Portfolio of coursework 60% – This means that all work done from day 1 contributes towards your grade. Examiners want to see you go through a journey of creative development.

Externally set task (10 hour exam) 40% – starting in the January of your second GCSE year, you will be given a choice of themes to investigate. From that theme, you will create a project no different to the ones you do in year 10 and then you will create a final piece for that project in your 10 hour exam which will span over two days.   

Where can this course lead to after Key Stage 4?

Students, who study Art & Design: Fine Art at GCSE, can go on to study the subject at A-level and beyond. At Wreake, we offer a Fine Art A-level course where students are given opportunities to develop their skills further through a variety of pathways. These include painting and drawing, textiles, mixed media, sculpture or graphics and illustration. 

Students who have completed this course have progressed onto:

  • Art and Design foundation courses at De Montfort University
  • Garment Design and Construction at Nottingham Trent University
  • Graphic Illustration at De-Montfort University.
  • Architecture at Sheffield Hallam
  • Fine Art at Central St Martins, London.

To find out more information:

For more information about GCSE Art& Design: Fine Art with specialist pathways, please contact Amber Smith.

You will also find information about the Art & Design:Fine Art course at