GCSE Sociology
Why study this course?
Sociology is the study of human society. This course will allow you to understand the way people behave in groups and the way that society influences us and shapes our lives. We study social problems and look at the effectiveness of methods designed to improve these issues.
What will I learn?
The course will:
- encourage a questioning attitude,
- allow you to develop the ability to think for yourself.
- allow you to ask questions about the world
- enable you to learn about new cultures.
- develop your opinions and new ideas on social issues
- give you the opportunity to read, discuss and write about a wide topics
How will I be assessed?
GCSE Sociology course culminates in 2 exams at the end of Year 11.
Exam 1 Understanding social processes: · Cultural Transmission · Families · Education · Research Methods
1 hour 45 minutes/ 50% of GCSE.
This paper will include two sections each has two multiple choice questions followed by a range of short and extended mark exam questions.
Exam 2 Understanding social structures. · Crime and deviance · Social Stratification · Research Methods
1 hour 45 minutes/50% of GCSE
This paper will also include two sections each has two multiple choice questions followed by a range of short and extended mark exam questions.
Where can this course lead to after Key Stage 4?
As well as this course leading into studying A Level Sociology, this GCSE also compliments the study of A Level Psychology and Health and Social Care.
With further training or study, you can go into many different careers. If you are thinking of a job that involves working with people, then Sociology is a great choice. In the past our students have gone into jobs in teaching, nursing, journalism, law, retail and personnel management, mental health care, social research, local government, police force and performing arts.
To find out more information:
For more information, please contact Lisa Steven, lstevens@wreake.bepschools.org
or look on the AQA exam board website: www.aqa.org.uk