What are the main aims of the course?
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is a creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students’ practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition.
What is covered in the course?
Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:
1. Food, nutrition and health – macro nutrients, micro nutrients, nutritional needs and health.
2. Food science – cooking of food, heat transfer and the functional and chemical properties of food.
3. Food safety – food spoilage, contamination and the principles of food safety.
4. Food choice – factors affecting food choice, British and international cuisines, sensory evaluation, food labelling and marketing
5. Food provenance – environmental impact and sustainability of food, food processing and production.
How is the course assessed?
Food preparation and nutrition (50%) Written exam 1 hour 45 minutes The paper will be made up of 20 multiple choice questions worth 20 Marks and 5 questions each with a number of sub questions worth 80 marks.
NON- EXAM ASSESSMENT (NEA) Task 1 Food investigation (15%) Written Report Students’ understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Students will submit a written report (1,500–2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation.
NON- EXAM ASSESSMENT (NEA) Task 2 Food preparation assessment (35%) Written Portfolio Students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task.
Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.
Students will submit a written portfolio (15 A4 pages) including photographic evidence.
How will this course be useful?
This course could lead you into roles such as a Chef, Food Product Developer, Buyer (who travels the world sourcing new food products for manufacturers), Food Safety Inspectors, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Quality Managers, Teacher, Food Engineer, Food Scientist, Food Technologist, Food Photographer, Food Stylist, Home Economist, Hotel and Restaurant Manager, Microbiologist, working in food magazines, radio and television
For more information, please contact Claire Hutchinson, chutchinson@wreake.bepschools.org