
Below you will find our Uniform Policy, which details the correct uniform that all students should wear at all times and details about how to order uniform.

WREA0001 Parent Uniform Ordering Information 

Uniform can be purchased online from Price & Buckland our new Uniform suppliers.  Their websites can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

Price & Buckland

Have a look at our Uniform Swap and Sale Facebook page too:


Wreake Valley Academy
School Uniform list 

School Uniform Description


Blazer Navy school blazer with school logo
Shirt Plain white school style shirt, buttoned through to the collar.

Plain white T-shirt may be worn under the shirt

Jumper – optional Plain grey v-neck school  jumper, may be worn under blazer.
Tie  School tie with a neat knot with 5 stripes showing below the knot
Skirt Mid grey plain school skirt.  Length no shorter than just above the knee. The skirt should not be tightly tailored or of a stretchy ”lycra” type material. It must not be split above the knee.
Trousers Mid grey plain school style trousers Tight fitting or cropped trousers are not acceptable. No stretch fabrics, jean style or turn ups.
Shorts Tailored shorts, mid grey plain school style
Tights Black, navy, grey or neutral
All black footwear Plain black polishable flat shoes. No sandals or open toe footwear of any description.
PE Kit
PE shirt Black polo shirt with blue piping and school name – compulsory for years 7 & 8

Navy and sky blue polo shirt can still be worn by students in Years  9 & 10

Shorts Plain black shorts, no logos
Leggings Plain black sports leggings, no logos. Must not be see through
Joggers Plain black joggers, no logos
Cycling shorts Plain black, length should be no shorter than just above the knee
Socks Plain black
School PE Hoodie Black hoodie with blue piping and school name
School PE Midlayer – optional Optional – 1/4 zip midlayer black with school name
Footwear for PE Flat soled trainers.

For KS3 PE lessons, students are advised to wear moulded stud boots for outdoor PE however flat soled trainers are allowed.

For extra-curricular sports, when representing the school and for GCSE PE lessons, moulded stud boots are compulsory.

Jewellery/Makeup etc Small sleepers or stud earrings only.

For health and safety reasons all jewellery may need to be removed for PE.

A single discreet stud or spacer is allowed to be worn in the nose.

Nose rings are not  allowed.

No other facial piercings are allowed in school.

Subtle make up only.