Baby Elephant

The Baby Elephant Programme is a precursor for a national programme which Wreake Valley Academy and Bradgate Sixth Form engages in that supports the UK’s top students with strong academic potential to access the UK’s top universities, and progress on to highly competitive jobs. The programme aims to develop skills and competencies that will ensure students are fully prepared for their next stages in their education journey.

Year 7

In the Autumn Term students took part in the Eco Schools Cut Your Carbon campaign.
There were two teams, Communication and Energy Reduction.
The Communication Team produced posters to advertise the campaign, attended staff briefings to provide updated information and created a staff sticker chart for staff to log when they switched off their smartboards and lights.
The Energy Reduction Team collected data from Energy Sparks to monitor the schools energy usage. When the campaign was over the team collected the data from every tutor group for us to submit to Eco Schools.
The campaign resulted in the school community making 642 changes.
Make 5 miles of travel active – 243
Go plant based once a day – 46
Turning the heating down by 1 degree for a week – 73
Buying nothing new for a month – 88
Substitute 4 baths for 4 showers and limit them to 4 minutes – 80
Switch off all nonessential electrical devices for an hour – 112

Year 8