Careers Advice

Careers at Wreake Valley Academy

At Wreake Valley Academy, we are passionate about supporting students through the process of deciding upon the direction they take after finishing school.  We provide impartial guidance and advice on further education, training, or employment across KS3 and KS4 and involve many outside agencies such as employers and education providers.

We are committed to providing all students with at least 6 opportunities to meet a range of providers of approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. In addition, all students in years 7 to 11 will have opportunities for personal guidance interviews with an external careers advisor.

Our Careers Lead is Kat Oliver .  If you have any queries about careers, further education or work experience please contact them on 0116 264 1080 or email
Our Careers Link Advisor for the Local Advisory Board is Julie Rawle,
Bradgate Sixth form students & parents can seek higher education advice from Katie Johnson

Careers information will next be reviewed in December 2025.

How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme

Wreake Valley Academy works closely with the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) Careers Hub.  This is an external organisation that supports us to develop and strengthen our careers education strategy across the whole school.  TLGS is a member of the LLEP Careers Hub.

At Wreake Valley Academy we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and the
Careers Development Institute(opens in new tab) framework as a foundation when planning our careers programme.  The effectiveness of our provision is reviewed by the LLEP and the Careers and Enterprise Company using the Compass Plus online evaluation tool.  This tool is used by schools and colleges in England to support the analysis and evaluation of careers activity against the eight benchmarks of best practice.  It ensures that the development of our careers strategy is ongoing.  We will benchmark our schools against the Gatsby Benchmarks once per term.

In line with the recommendations set out in Gatsby Benchmark 1, we plan to review the published information on an annual basis, inviting feedback from key audiences in our stakeholder evaluation group.

Why we evaluate

This careers programme is evaluated every year to assess its efficacy and areas for improvement.

How we evaluate –

Key stakeholders (students, parents, teachers and employers) provide feedback on their participation in activities via questionnaires, surveys and focus groups throughout the year.  We use the evidence collected to inform continuous improvement of the programme.

The school Careers Leader combines their own knowledge, evidence and information with that from the stakeholders and provides a short report with recommendations to SLT, towards the end of the summer term.

What we evaluate

Stakeholder Feedback – We review samples of stakeholder feedback collected using various methods after activities, events and experiences.
Implementation – We review what was actually delivered against the programme of planned activity and how well it went.
Impact – We measure key performance indicators linked directly to our vision and desired outcomes for our students.

How we assess Impact

View our destination data

The Wreake Valley Academy wants you to have a successful future!  To achieve this, you will take part in the activities listed in our careers programme below during your time with us.  Click on the images below (add learning journey) to see our full careers programme and your careers journey at Wreake Valley.  Further down the page you can also explore different job roles and the job market.

Explore different roles and the job market

Vacancies with employers committed to employing people who have additional needs and/or a disability
Watch videos about jobs


MYPATH – YouTube

Read about different jobs
Watch videos about key local industries
Take this quiz to find a suited job
Help to prepare for the world of work
Learn about job trends in the UK
Download our LMI guide for young people
Download our helpful qualifications chart
Download your careers journey



Find out about courses and pathways

How To get into different careers
Apprenticeship information
Local Apprenticeships available
Search for college courses
Search for University courses
Local 6th Forms
University alternatives
Compare Universites
Leading University Information
Local Alternative Providers
T levels
List of all qualifications and levels

Careers glossary – look up key terms with definitions Careers Glossary

Log into Unifrog to find out about LMI and career options, take quizzes to help you decide your next steps and log all of the amazing things you’ve been doing Sign In – Unifrog

To help with your applications download this Blank Editable CV

The Wreake Valley Academy wants you to have a successful future!  To achieve this, you will take part in the activities listed in our careers programme below during your time with us.  Click on the images below (add learning journey) to see our full careers programme and your careers journey at Wreake Valley.  Further down the page you can also explore different job roles and the job market.

Explore different roles and the job market

Vacancies with employers committed to employing people who have additional needs and/or a disability
Watch videos about jobs


MYPATH – YouTube

Read about different jobs
Watch videos about key local industries
Take this quiz to find a suited job
Help to prepare for the world of work



Learn about job trends in the UK
Download our LMI guide for young people
Download our helpful qualifications chart
Download your careers journey



Find out about courses and pathways

How To get into different careers
Apprenticeship information
Local Apprenticeships available
Search for college courses
Search for University courses
Local 6th Forms
University alternatives
Compare Universites
Leading University Information
Local Alternative Providers
T levels
List of all qualifications and levels

Careers glossary – look up key terms with definitions Careers Glossary

The Wreake Valley Academy wants you to have a successful future!  To achieve this, you will take part in the activities listed in our careers programme below during your time with us.  Click on the images below (add learning journey) to see our full careers programme and your careers journey at Wreake Valley.  Further down the page you can also explore different job roles and the job market.

Explore different roles and the job market

Vacancies with employers committed to employing people who have additional needs and/or a disability
Watch videos about jobs


MYPATH – YouTube

Read about different jobs
Watch videos about key local industries
Take this quiz to find a suited job
Help to prepare for the world of work
Learn about job trends in the UK
Download our LMI guide for young people
Download our helpful qualifications chart
Download your careers journey

Link to your school careers journey


Find out about courses and pathways

How To get into different careers
Apprenticeship information
Local Apprenticeships available
Search for college courses
Search for University courses
Local 6th Forms
University alternatives
Compare Universites
Leading University Information
Local Alternative Providers
T levels
List of all qualifications and levels

Careers glossary – look up key terms with definitions Careers Glossary

Local FE Colleges

Build your strengths and skills

Take this personality quiz
Skills employers want
UniFrog How to write the perfect resume : Unifrog Blog
Personal statement writing guide SOR to send How to Write Personal Statement Form


This section of Wreake Valley’s website is aimed at helping parents and carers source information to help support young people in their future decisions.  Below you will find three helpful sections; information about education options, types of jobs and local opportunities.  Talking Futures provide free resources, activities, and practical guidance to help you support your child’s careers and education choices.

Information will be emailed periodically to parents and carers regarding local provider open days, virtual events and apprenticeship opportunities to name a few examples.


The Parents Guide to Green Careers Week 2024

Education Options

There are a variety of educational routes available to students when they leave Wreake Valley. Click each button below to find out more.

Apprenticeship Information
T Levels
Local Alternative Providers
Local 6th Forms

Parental Toolkit Apprenticeship

World of work Leicester & Leicestershire Pathways Poster

NCW Resources Booklet Interactive

The Parents’ Guide To NCW 2024


Choices Magazine October 2024
Choices Magazine September 2024

Local businesses – we need your expertise!

At Wreake Valley we are busy growing your employees of the future.  We need your help to raise their career aspirations, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries in Leicester and Leicestershire.

If you want to inspire our students, we are open for business!

Contact us using the above button and we’ll be in touch directly to talk about how you can make a difference in our school.  Being part of our business support network will provide you moments of great satisfaction but striving to make a difference can also be an exciting challenge!  Having employers like you helping to inspire young minds and transform attitudes through a range of activities and opportunities is the foundation of an excellent careers programme as set out by the Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby a strategic level, encouraging the development of our careers programme and connecting us to the business community across the county.  This role is recognised nationally as an Enterprise Adviser (EA) and they are part of the Leicester and Leicestershire Careers Hub community of support driving the connection between careers education and the business sector.


Ways to support:

  • Be part of our Mock Interviews with Year 10 or 11 students and help them structure their CVs.
  • Give an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role.
  • Run a hands-on workshop with activities relating to your area of expertise.
  • Be part of our discussions about pathways after school, e.g., apprenticeships.
  • Help champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability, etc.
  • Help bring a subject lesson to life by linking it to your industry.
  • Offer a work experience placement for students at your business premises.


What to expect


By getting involved you will not only be supporting future workforce development and helping to broaden the minds of the young people but you will also be developing new skills for your staff, forging community links and building a positive profile for your company.

We will support you throughout your visit to us to ensure we maximise the use of your valuable time.  Our Careers Leader are Sam Ellis & Kat Oliver.  You can contact her on

Our Careers Leader will:

Be your main point of contact for all enquiries.
Organise pre-meets/discussions/information for activities you sign up to.
Provide you details of the local arrangements including parking, facilities and our safeguarding policy.
Conduct a short evaluation with you to ensure we are getting things right.
With your permission, add you to our network and keep you up to date with future activities.
To help you with your engagement there are a range of resources available here from the Careers and Enterprise Company.

Wreake Valley is committed to providing high quality Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance to help inspire students and to enable them to make rational informed career decisions.  The Roundhill Academy aims to meet all eight Benchmarks identified by the Gatsby Foundation.

Our Leadership team views careers as not being the responsibility of a Careers Leader and a small number of teachers, but of all staff in schools and colleges.  We can make small changes in the curriculum that can have a big impact in the classrooms.

If you’d like help or support to embed careers in your subject contact who is the Careers Leader for our School. 


Inspire students to explore the world of work


Capture Buzz Moments in the classroom
Access lesson plans, videos and quizzes for over 15 industry sectors
My Learning, My Future is a suite of resources to support subject teaching staff, from over 20 subjects at KS3 & KS4
Student journey

Use your own school’s student journey


Helpful Qualification Chart

At Wreake Valley we would like all subject areas to do the following:


  • Develop links with businesses and organisations to invite alumni and other external speakers to come into school (virtually where an actual visit is not feasible).
  • Where appropriate to organise external visits by students to local businesses/organisations.
  • Record careers learning opportunities for students in schemes of learning.
  • Take part in whole school ‘Careers Days’ where all teachers start their lesson with a careers focus, such as talking about their career pathway or showing a short film where people in a range of job roles explain the relevance of skills developed in a particular subject area to their role.
  • Consider the needs and interests of all students and ensure that information challenges stereotyping including gender and disability.

Subscribe to CareerMag newsletter  – Careermag provides a wealth of high-quality career information and qualification guidance.

Meet our Alumni

We are currently building our alumni community. Are you a former student from our school?  We’d love to hear your story and perhaps feature you on our website or invite you to call back to our school and talk about your career pathway.  Please join our BEP LinkedIn page.

Leicestershire’s Labour Market

We think Leicester and Leicestershire is an amazing place to live and work.   As one of the most vibrant areas in the East Midlands there is a lot to shout about.  In this section we will start to share information about different industry sectors, careers pathways, types of jobs and lots more for both parents/carers and students.

Quick fact… did you know in Leicester and Leicestershire over 99% of local businesses are micro (0-9 staff), small (10-49 staff) or medium enterprises (who employ 50 to 249 staff).  If that sounds interesting, you could visit the World of Work website which has much more information on the local labour market with easy-to-read facts and figures.

We run lots of inspirational events for our students

From year 7 onwards students get lots of opportunities to think about what their next best steps will be.  As part of this we will be shining a spotlight on events we put on with guest speakers from the world of work and education.  We will share the impact this can have on helping our students think about their futures and what has inspired their careers education journey so far.  You can also see the journey from year 7 onwards click here to see our Learning Journey.


Careers Newsletters

Careers Lead

Kathryn Oliver