Online Learning

Online Learning

Where it is necessary for students to work from home, information for our most used online systems can be found below, we will update this page as required.

Office 365

All students have access to their Office 365 from any web based device, they’ll need their login details to access Satchel one.

Accessing Office 365

On your computer, laptop or mobile device go to your internet browser (ie Edge, Chrome, Safari)

Login with your school details eg then enter your password


Once you’ve logged in you’ll see the Waffle in the top left, click on that to see the Apps

Outlook – Your email
Staff will email you any communications they need. Also information about events / Library books, so keep checking your emails!

One Drive – Your Documents

Forgotten your Office 365 password?

If you have forgotten your Office 365 password please email

Satchel One

Satchel:one Show My Homework

At Wreake Valley we use Satchel one for uploading our homework to along with any school work to be completed when teaching in school isn’t a possibility. Please use the details to log on. All students have been shown how to do this in school.

Open a new browser tab.
Type in

You should see this page

Type in Wreake Valley Academy

Select the Student Tab
then click sign in with Microsoft

You should now be logged in!

Difficulty accessing Satchel One

If you are having issues accessing Satchel One please email

Use your school email address and own password.

Login unsucessful
If you are unable to access the site click ‘Reset Password’
put in your school email address it will send you a new link (this may take a while)

Key Stage 4

Work set on Seneca should appear in Satchel One, Your teacher will have set the work and shared an access link with you. If you struggle to access the work email your teacher.

If your link isnt working on Satchel One

use the web address below

Sketchup 3D CAD modelling

This online software is used by our Keystage 4 DT students

Click ‘Log in with microsoft’ use your office 365 details to login.

Click on Continue with Microsoft.

Use your Office 365 details to login