Triple Science

Why study this course?

This course is suitable for students who will gain Capable or Expert at Key Stage 3, who have a real enthusiasm for science and who are likely to do at least one science subject at A-level. At the end of the two year course you will have 3 GCSEs, (GCSE Physics, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Biology).

What topics/will I learn?

The content builds on what students learn in GCSE Combined Science. In addition students will study,

Biology 3 Chemistry 3 Physics 3
Biological control systems Further quantitative chemistry Movements in action
Homeostasis in action Organic chemistry & polymers Light & Space
Further genetics & evolution Qualitative analysis Medical physics
Organic chemistry

The content builds on what students learn in GCSE Combined Science. In addition students will study,

How will I be assessed?

There are two examinations for each science so two papers for GCSE Biology, two papers for GCSE Chemistry and two papers for GCSE Physics. Each paper will be 1 hour 45 minutes in length.

Practical Assessment

Although there is no longer a coursework element to the final grade, practical work is still important. Each examination will contain (15% of the marks) questions that test practical skills, knowledge and understanding as well as investigative skills. Students will complete a series of additional practicals in addition to the core practicals throughout the two years to support this.

What will this course lead to after Key Stage 4?

This course can lead to any of the science A-levels; Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Applied Science.

To find out more information:

For more information, please contact Nick Rowles,