Why study this course?
We hope that by studying this course students will understand the relevance and importance of science in explaining the way in which our world works. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of some of the most important issues that we face in current times.
What topics will I learn?
Biology | Chemistry | Physics |
Cells & organisation | Atoms, Bordery & Moles | Energy & energy resources |
Disease & Bioenergetics | Chemical reactions and energy changes | Particles at work |
Biological responses | Data & Equilibrium | Forces in action |
Genetics & reproduction | Earth resources | Waves & electromagnetism |
Ecology | Magnetism and electromagnetism | |
Particle model of matter | ||
Atomic structure | ||
How will I be assessed?
Written Exams
The written exams count for 100% of the final grade.
All examinations will be taken at the end of Year 11. Students will take two biology papers, two chemistry papers and two physics papers. Each paper will be 1 hour and 15 minutes in length. The final double grade will be based on the aggregation of the marks from all the papers.
Practical Assessment
Although there is no longer a coursework element to the final grade, practical work is still important. Each examination will contain (15% of the marks) questions that test practical skills, knowledge and understanding as well as investigative skills. Students will complete a series of core practicals throughout the two years to support this.
Where can this course lead to after Key Stage 4?
Students who have studied Combined Science will be able to follow the A-level courses in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Applied Science.
To find out more information:
For more information, please contact Nick Rowles, nrowles@wreake.bepschools.org