Why study this course?
This is a vocational course which means you will learn skills and concepts which are linked to working in the health, social care and early year’s industry. The qualification is recognised by employers, and you can progress onto Level 3 courses. You will learn about effective communication, rights of individuals, protection and safeguarding, life events as well as developing research skills, creating and delivering presentations. This course is continuously assessed therefore you must be organised and complete your work in class as well as research at home. The course also requires a high level of independent written work.
What topics/skills will I learn?
There are:
2 Core Units:
RO32: Principles of care in health and social care settings – exam
RO33: Supporting individuals through life events – NEA
1 Optional Unit
RO35: Health promotion campaigns – NEA
How will I be assessed?
The two NEA units are centre-assessed, and the exam unit is externally assessed at the end of Year 11. You will be awarded a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* for individual units and the overall qualification. “Live assignments” are set each year by the exam board and must be completed that year e.g RO33 Supporting Individuals Through Life Events, marks are submitted in the summer of Year 10. The work cannot be resubmitted in Year 11.
Where can this course lead to after Key Stage 4?
This course leads into studying level 3 Health and Social/Sociology/Psychology and T-Level. With further training or study, you can go into careers such as nursing, social work and residential care management. Apprenticeships can include:
- Allied health professional support
- Dental nursing
- Health and social care.
- Maternity and Paediatric support
- Healthcare science assistant
To find out more information:
For more information, please contact Liam Scriven, lscriven@wreake.bepschools.org