
What will I learn?

The work covered in Maths lessons at Key Stage 4 will be an extension of the work covered at Key Stage 3, including topics on; algebra, number, ratio and proportion, data handling and shape. In GCSE exams at the end of Year 11, students will be assessed on these topics by their ability to meet Assessment objectives 1-3, listed below:

AO1 – use and apply standard techniques

A02 – Reason, interpret and communicate Mathematically

A03 – Solve problems within Mathematics and in other contexts.


To meet these Assessment objectives, it is important for students to experience a variety of different question styles in their lessons, homework and their independent study. When answering questions, a greater emphasis will be put on the quality of the method shown. It is essential that students show all of their workings. This ensures students understanding and ability to apply their knowledge is clear and easily assessable.


What will I need?

All students are expected to bring the following equipment to every lesson; a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a protractor, a compass and a scientific calculator.


How will I be assessed?

The course is a linear course with three exams taken in May/June of Year 11. Each exam will be 1 hour 30 minutes in length, and consists of two calculator papers and one non calculator paper. Students can be entered at either Foundation or Higher tier.

There is no coursework in GCSE mathematics.

In addition to the mathematics GCSE, we will be offering students of high ability, the opportunity to study an extra qualification. The Level 2 certificate in Further Maths is equivalent to a GCSE qualification and is a course that prepares students for A-level Mathematics with a strong emphasis on the algebraic skills required. It also introduces two new concepts in mathematics; calculus and matrices, both of which are very different areas to topics covered before. This course will provide an excellent platform from which students can go on to study both mathematics and Further Mathematics at A-level. 


Where can this course lead after Key Stage 4?

At Key Stage 5, we offer three different qualifications; Core Maths (level 3 certificate in Mathematical studies), A-Level Maths, A-Level Further Maths. Students who achieve a grade 4 or above are able to choose to study Core Maths, a qualification that focusses on the real world applications of Maths (much of the content similar to what they have studied at GCSE). Students who achieve a grade 6 or above, at Higher Tier, will be considered for A-level Mathematics. Students who wish to study A-Level Further Maths (in addition to A-Level Maths) should achieve a grade 7 or above.

Class teachers will also be consulted over a students’ suitability. Many of these students go on to university studying a wide range of courses, including but not limited to; mathematics, medical courses, science and engineering courses, business and accountancy, etc. Maths has now become an important component of some of the other A-level that students can study.

To find out more information:

For more information, please contact Steve Errington